Although ninety-eight percent of Antarctica is covered by thick ice, there are bare patches where the rocky surface shows through. 尽管南极洲98%的土地都被厚厚的冰覆盖着,但岩石表面仍然有一些次生裸地。
Due to the urban heat island, the bare and grass land surface temperatures in Guangzhou as well as in the nearby stations were relatively higher than that of the around areas. 受城市热环境的影响,广州及其附近的站点裸地和草地的温度指标也相应高于周边地区。
Bare rocky hills; barren lands; the bleak treeless regions of the high Andes; the desolate surface of the moon; a stark landscape. 光秃秃的石山;荒地;安第斯山脉高处没有树木的荒凉地区;荒凉的月球表面;光秃秃的地表。
Roughness Retrieval and Topographic Correction Based on Bare Surface Radiative Transfer Model 基于裸露地表辐射传输模型的粗糙度反演与地形校正
A coat of primer should be made over the bare surface before the main painting. 在喷涂主漆前,应在物品的表面刷一层底漆。
Bare soil is protected from the impact of rainfall which can cause surface soil crusting, compaction, and erosion. 塑料薄膜覆盖使裸土免受降雨引起的表土结壳、压实和侵蚀。
Microwave Remote Sensing Research on Bare Soil Surface Moisture Inversion Based on BSM Model 基于双谱散射模型的裸土壤湿度微波遥感反演研究
This product is a compound coated wire, it made flom excellent bare copper flat wire covered with polyvinyl resin or other enamel as based coating and coated a special bond at surface. 本产品为复合线材以优良的裸铜线为导体以缩甲醛合成树酯漆或合成漆为绝缘层并在绝缘层外涂以胶粘剂。
The relationship between maximum current density on bare metal surface and applied potential 去膜金属表面最大反应电流与电位的关系
With membrane coating using IOPs, significant membrane fouling reduction occurred compared to the bare membrane during the treatment of surface water, especially for the relatively high DOC raw waters. 对于使用氧化铁粒子对微滤膜表面进行改性的方法,改性膜的污染与原始膜相比有了很大程度的降低,特别是在处理高浓度DOC地表水时,改性膜的优势更加的明显。
By analysing the declension cause of old-age cypress in Huang-Di Mausoleum, we thought that the trampled and hardened soil, the bare surface, the deteriorate environment of woodland, the single compose of forest and the serious insect pest were the main reasons. 对黄帝陵所在桥山上的古柏树林衰退的原因进行了分析,认为土壤被践踏板结,地表裸露,林地环境恶化,全区林木组成单一以及虫害严重等是造成古柏林衰退的主要原因。
The result shows: the method is higher on ration level that secondary planet remote sensing drought on bare surface is inspected, which precision is 60%, and absoluted grades on soil drought are given by agriculture meteorological observation criterion. 研究表明:这种方法是目前对裸露地面进行干旱遥感监测中定量水平较高的,对裸露土壤湿度遥感精度可达到60%,根据农业气象观测规范,它可以给出土壤干旱的绝对等级。
The experiment on stereo bare footprint surface indicates that our method is valid. 对立体赤足迹表面的相似性判别实验表明,该判别方法有效。
The results showed that the shearing force upon crop straw and stubble increased and upon bare soil surface decreased with the increase of the height of crop stubble and coverage ratio. 结果表明:随着作物秸秆残茬高度和覆盖度的增加,作用在作物秸秆残茬上的剪切力增加,而作用在裸露地表上的剪切力减少。
This study develops a parameterized bare surface emission model for the applications in analyses of the passive microwave satellite measurements from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System ( AMSR-E). 发展了针对对地观测系统被动微波辐射计AMSR-E应用的裸露地表辐射模型。
Contents of soil microbial biomass C, N, activities of Sucrase and Urease in lichen land were higher than that in bare land in surface soil layer ( 0-2 cm), without significant difference between them. 在0~2cm土层地衣地土壤微生物量碳、氮、蔗糖酶和脲酶活性高于裸地,但差异不显著;
The development regularities of water erosion on bare road embankment slope and bare cutting slope are gully erosion → shallow slip of slope and splash erosion → surface erosion → gully erosion → collapse respectively. 裸露的路堤边坡水力侵蚀发生发展规律一般为:沟蚀→边坡滑坍;
Bare spark pre ionization ( BSP) and surface corona pre ionization ( SCP) were compared. 本文报道了表面电晕预电离与火花预电离的比较结果。
Taking bare surface as CK, this paper discussed effect of straw-mulch during wheat stage on soil water dynamic changes and yield of summer maize. 以不覆盖的处理为对照,研究了冬小麦期覆盖秸秆对夏玉米土壤水分动态变化及产量的影响。
A detailed analysis of the course in which bare metal surface is generated is presented. 本文工作仔细分析了新鲜金属表面的裸露过程,导出了裸表面真实电流衰减规律与试验衰减曲线之间的关系,并获得与去膜方法和试验参数无关的真实电流衰减规律。
Calculation Study on Soil Salts Movement State Under Evaporation from a bare soil surface 裸地蒸发条件下土壤盐分运动的预测研究
In this paper, the emissivity of bare soil surface is calculated on the basis of bi-spectrum scattering model of randomly rough surface. 利用随机粗糙表面的双谱散射模型计算了粗糙裸土壤表面的发射率,并建立了基于双谱模型的被动微波遥感的土壤湿度的人工神经网络反演方法。
The mechanism of pitting corrosion on the bare metal surface has been discussed and the physical sense of Ec has been proposed. 分析了金属裸表面上点蚀的形成机理,指出了裸表面临界点蚀电位的物理意义。
Using Landsat and CBERS images as two data sources, each pixel was dealt as a mixture of vegetation, high-and low-albedo and bare soil, impervious surface was extracted with linear spectral mixture model, landuse information was determined with supervised classification method. 采用Landsat、中巴资源卫星两种遥感影像数据,每个像元均可视为由高反照度地物、低反照度地物、植被和裸土组成,运用线性光谱混合模型提取不透水面信息。
The bare semi-product is treated with the coupling-agent, soaked in the silicon solution to overlay the film, followed by thermal sulfurization and surface treatment. 半成品的裸体支架经过偶联剂处理后,浸入硅橡胶溶胶里覆涂膜,然后进行热硫化和表面处理。
By adding amine modifier to the mobile phase and comparing with a bare silica column, it is found that the silanol groups on the surface of silica matrix in the new stationary phase were sheltered successfully. 通过向流动相中加入胺改性剂和与裸硅胶柱进行比较,发现聚合在硅胶基质表面的聚多巴胺层可以很好地掩蔽硅羟基,避免了硅羟基与分析物的次级作用力。